Sanabel Black velvet kameez with råw silk plazo embellishments with Resham, pearls, dabka and Katdana
Color: black (Color can be customized)
Sizes: Custom made according to your personal measures. Measure form will be emailed to you after payment.
Delivery: Orders will be delivered after approx. 4-6 weeks of placing order.
Necklas set in picture can be bought here
Sanabel Black velvet kameez with råw silk plazo embellishments with Resham, pearls, dabka and Katdana
Color: black (Color can be customized)
Sizes: Custom made according to your personal measures. Measure form will be emailed to you after payment.
Delivery: Orders will be delivered after approx. 4-6 weeks of placing order.
Necklas set in picture can be bought here
Customfittet to your personal messures.Messurementform will be emailed after ordering
Sanabel Black velvet kameez with råw silk plazo embellishments with Resham, pearls, dabka and Katdana
Color: black (Color can be customized)
Sizes: Custom made according to your personal measures. Measure form will be emailed to you after payment.
Delivery: Orders will be delivered after approx. 4-6 weeks of placing order.
Necklas set in picture can be bought here
Sanabel Black velvet kameez with råw silk plazo embellishments with Resham, pearls, dabka and Katdana
Color: black (Color can be customized)
Sizes: Custom made according to your personal measures. Measure form will be emailed to you after payment.
Delivery: Orders will be delivered after approx. 4-6 weeks of placing order.
Necklas set in picture can be bought here
Customfittet to your personal messures.Messurementform will be emailed after ordering